Today's topics:
* 2008-03-10 - 1 messages, 1 author
* 2008-03-11 - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: 2008-03-10
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 9 2008 10:21 pm
From: "L. Toldy"
YapBib v0.99 r2 - 384 KB
Yapbib is Your Annotated Personal Bibliography. This program allows you to manage your body of literature research, include annotations per author and per literature-entry, organize and categorize the entries for your specific projects, perform queries on the entries, and export contents on the bibliograpy database in BibTex form. Yapbib uses no external database to keep the software small and manageable. It's database is in ASCII form that is easily read into other programs or modified by hand. It also stores a cached copy of each article in PDF format making YapBib your "one-stop-shop to your bibliography!"
YapBib is free software released under the GNU GPL
Megjegyzésekkel ellátható személyes bibliográfiai program
Jason J Corso
Yapp v0.92 - 370 KB
Yapp (Yet Another Picture Program) provides you with a convenient way to view and organize your photos. An image can be viewed full-screen simply by pressing the spacebar. Slide shows, batch renaming, and lossless JPEG rotation are only a mouse click or a keystroke away. You can create new folders, drag and drop files, and quickly move, copy, rename, or delete them. No decisions are made for you: where you put your pictures and what you call them is entirely up to you, so you can organize your photos in a way that makes sense to you. Yapp just makes it easier.
Yapp is lightweight and highly scalable, so it can browse through folders containing thousands of images without slowing down appreciably. An extensive set of well-documented keyboard shortcuts helps those with fast fingers and a need for speed get things done rapidly. Yapp supports jpeg, gif, and bmp formats. Best of all, Yapp is free, so whaddaya waitin' for? Get Yappin', a-ready!
Képmenedzser program
YAPS v1.1.2.38 - 94 KB
Yet Another Port Scanner = Fast TCP/IP port scanner.
- Supports simultaneous connecting to many targets
- Supports command line and GUI mode
- Customisable timeout
- Can scan range of addresses, or single address
- Can resolve addresses
- Includes names for well known ports
Platform: Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT4, Win2000, WinXP, Win2003
Gyors TCP/IP port ellenõrzés
YAReG v1.0 - 57 KB
YAReG is a free graphical frontend for rfstool by Gerson Kurz.
It provides easy and comfortable read access to your ReiserFS formatted Linux partitions through an user interface familiar from Windows Explorer.
Features up to top
- Browse all of your ReiserFS partitions on any of your computer's harddisk drives as if they were regular Windows partitions
- Simply drag and drop files or directories from your ReiserFS partitions to the Windows Explorer or any other application
- That's it. Isn't it enough? Ah, one more: It's free to download and use! :-)
ReiserFS partíciók ellenõrzése, fájlok forgalmazása ezeken a partíciókon
Andreas Kunz
yBook v1.5.19 - 3253 KB
I wrote this ebook reading software to provide a 'paper book' experience on the computer screen: For a start, you get two pages side-by-side instead of just one page in the middle of the screen. Next, the pages turn when you click them, just like a real book. Finally, you can also select a textured background to make the pages look like real paper.
yBook is FREE to download and use - why not give it a try?
- Runs on Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP and Linux (using Wine)
- Displays text and html files on side-by-side pages.
- Resize the pages, adjust the margins, set text and paper colour.
- Search for words or phrases.
- Automatic bookmarks.
- Text sizes from tiny to HUGE.
- No zooming, panning or scrolling.
- Direct download of all Gutenberg titles, with index.
- Espanol, Deutsch, Portugues, Nederlands, more to come
- Completely Free
EBook olvasó program, kezeli a Gutenberg könyvtárat is
Spacejock Software
pendrive runtimes - 2098 KB:
yBookMaker v1.5.19 - 3253 KB
yBookmaker can be used to make ebooks for sale, but it's also useful when distributing copies of your work to friends and family for comment. Put their name in the text and give them a unique password, and you'll be discouraging wholesale sharing of your early drafts.
yBookMaker allows you to publish your work as an e-book which anyone can read using the FREE yBook reader. Well, almost anyone - with yBookMaker you can decide on the level of protection for your work, from none at all to a password-protected file with your customer's name and address compiled right in.
yBookmaker will read HTML files as well as plain text (TXT) files. If you are using a word processor which can save to HTML (e.g. MS Word) you can use Bold, Italics and Underline throughout your file, save it as HTML then read it straight into yBookMaker. Your finished ebook will then contain the same formatting.
yBookmaker allows you to choose whether end-users can print a hardcopy of your book or not. yBook has a print facility, but you can turn it on or off per book.
If you're selling e-books, the last thing you want is for the person who buys a copy to send it out to all their family and friends. With yBookMaker you can encrypt someone's identity (Name, address, etc) into each copy of your e-book before you send it to them, which should make them think twice about distributing it. You can also protect each copy with individual passwords, so even if the book is copied off someone's computer without their knowledge, it cannot be opened on another machine!
Important Note: Nothing is 'uncrackable', but yBookmaker will stop casual copying. After all, if someone's really determined they can re-type your work off the screen!
Elektronikus könyvek készítése
Spacejock Software
pendrive runtimes - 2098 KB:
YBS v0.0.3f - 43 KB
YBS (blocksorting compressor) is a high-performance archiver based on Burrows-Wheeler Transform and distance coding modelling. It's quite fast even on skew data and achives high compression ratio.
Nagyon gyors fájltömörítõ és archíváló program
Vadim Yoockin
DOS version - 59 KB:
YChat v1.3.18 - 2247 KB
Your Chat ("YChat") is a fully-featured 3rd party client for the Yahoo! Chat system(s). YChat is a stand-alone program, so it does not require the use of a browser*. YChat was created on a 486/66sx2 computer with 24mb RAM, so in other words, it was developed on a slow computer and made for speed. It is always being modified to meet user's needs/wants and to better support Yahoo! Chat features and functions.
Böngészõt nem igénylõ, önálló Yahoo cset szerver, kliens
Erik Johnson
webcam support applet - 45 KB:
Server - 29 KB:
iChat<->YChat protocol wrapper - 154 KB:
yPlay v1.0.69 - 2523 KB
yPlay is a freeware MP3 & OGG player with multiple playlists and a light, clean interface. But why did I write it when there are other free mp3 and ogg players out there already?
First, I find too many music players have tiny, ambiguous controls and overly complicated menu structures. I want computer programs to look like computer programs so I can quickly work out how to use them. If I want something that looks like a piece of hardware, I'll buy the hardware instead.
Even worse, many players are the digital equivalent of having your teenage kids move back home. They take over your computer, leave odd things all over the place, and you never know exactly what they're doing behind your back.
Finally, as computers have become more and more powerful, media players have become more and more power-hungry. I'm only interested in quickly finding and playing a particular track or playlist, not swirly pictures and virtual lava lamps. yPlay has a filter built into the main screen - type in part of the title or artist and the list will only display matching tracks. Double-click the track you want, close the player to the system tray and forget about it.
yPlay is the answer to my requirements, and I'm sharing it for the benefit of other annoyed music lovers. I'm not pretending it has more features than the other programs (it doesn't) or that it's better in any way. It's just smaller, simpler and lighter.
Zenelejátszó program
Spacejock Software
pendrive runtimes - 2098 KB:
yProxy v1.3.0.15 - 239 KB
yProxy is the yEnc solution! yProxy transparently enables any binary newsreader to support 8 bit "yEnc" Decoding for downloading binary attachments!
- Tested with Microsoft Outlook Express, Netscape Mail, and Forte Free Agent
- Intuitive controls
- Supports up to 10 client connections
- Totally transparent yEnc proxy
- Can connect to and provide proxy service on any TCP port
- Run it on your computer, or share a proxy with others
- Turn decoding on and off
- Graphical status bar for each connection and file being downloaded
- Speed up your binary downloads!
Server Requirements: Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
NOTE: Last Freeware Version! Download page is Spain
yEnc binátis hírolvasó programhoz csatolmány letöltõ és dekódoló alkalmazás
Brawny Lads
Get paid for reading advertisement emails:
TOPIC: 2008-03-11
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 10 2008 10:02 pm
From: "L. Toldy"
YCopy v1.0d - 660 KB
Ycopy is a data migration utility. In short it is a utility that helps you copy data from one disk to another.
Ycopy will copy the files from one drive to another just like a regular copy. The difference being that when it encounters a file that it can't copy (for whatever reason) it doesn't just give up. Instead it makes a note of the file(s) that couldn't be copied and moves on to the next one. When the copy process completes you are left with a printable report that you can then give to the client detailing the files which were unable to be copied. Making the job not only easier and much more predictable for you (you set it going and leave it to get on with the job, no more wasted time poring over directories and files) but more professional from the customers perspective (not only did you copy all their precious data that you could but you've given them a detailed list of files that were unable to be saved due to problems with the original disks file system.)
Csoportos fájlmásoló program naplózással
YCopy v1.2 - 58 KB
Win32 console application
A very versatile copy command. Did you ever wish you had more options when xcopy or copy asked you whether you wanted to overwrite an existing file? YCopy is the answer. Apart from the common options 'yes', 'no' and 'always', it also offers 'never', 'if newer' and 'always if newer', which really comes in handy. Just like Mirror, YCopy is ideal for backing up your files with as few file operations as possible - no more unnecessary copying!
Speciális paramétereket használó csoportos fájlmásoló program
Dominik Jain
Yeah Write v1.7 - 992/1046 KB
Yeah Write, the easy to use fill-in-the-blank word processor for the computer illiterate or for those business professionals that want to create a document quickly and easily, without having to worry about formatting. You can create journals, keep addresses, take notes, and write simple letters and memos. A memo can become a letter with just a few clicks of the mouse. Yeah Write is very fast, very small (the download is less than 1 MB), very easy to use, and very inexpensive ($19.00 USD). Its use of color and an easy to read screen make it an attractive alternative to standard word processors. Yeah Write is so small that the entire program and all of its documents can be saved on a memory stick or flash drive. To see screenshots of Yeah Write, click here.
Yeah Write's pre-formatted documents include:
- Address Book
- Address Book (Kid's Drawer)
- Assignments (Kid's Drawer)
- Book Report (Kid's Drawer)
- Diary
- E-Mail
- Fax
- General Purpose
- Journal
- Letters and Envelopes
- Memos
- Notes
- School Papers (Kid's Drawer)
- To Do List
Yeah Write won the prestigious Shareware Industry Award for Best Word Processing Application and was awarded 5 stars by the editors at ZD Net. If you wonder why people like Yeah Write so much, be sure to read our fan mail. Also, check out what reviewers have to say about the product.
If you'd like to give Yeah Write a try, you can download and install our shareware version. This version includes the free version, which includes about 50% of the features, and a 15 day free trial of the full version. If you decide to purchase the full version for $19.00, you can do so from our web site. Yeah Write comes in a 32-bit version for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, & Vista.
Szövegszerkesztõ sok elõregyártott ûrlappal.
Word Place Inc.
with US English Dictionary 16/32 bit - 992/1046 KB:
with British English Dictionary 16/32 bit - 967/1021 KB:
textures - 277 KB:
converts text delimited file to YW import format - 91 KB:
YeahReader v2.22 - 2253 KB
YeahReader is a free program for reading news feeds in RSS, RDF and Atom formats, and podcasts.
The program provides all basic RSS reader functionality such as a convenient feed update system, proxy support and pop-up update notification. Besides this, YeahReader has such features as built-in blog client that will allow you to quickly write messages to your LiveJournal, Blogger, WordPress or Delicious blog, OPML support, ability to export data into HTML, CSV or JS format, multilanguage support and others.
Although quite functional, YeahReader is one of the easiest news readers to use. The program contains a collection of links to popular RSS feeds on various subjects so you will not waste time searching for interesting links.
YeahReader is provided as freeware for private (non-commercial) or educational (including non-profit organization) use.
Hírolvasó program
Yeah Software
Year Planner v4.0.3 - 1515 KB
Still using that Fileofax. This may be just the thing for you. This program prints a single sheet Year Planner, which when trimmed and folded, fits neatly inside that old Fileofax. The 12 month plan can start at any month, useful for the academic year.
The output will also scale to match the size and orientation of paper selected.
Éves határidõnapló, idõbesztás tervezõ és nyomtató program
Brian D. Jones
yEncPost 2002 v1.02 - 482 KB
This is an adaptation of Chris Morse's wonderful program PowerPost 2000 with added yEnc encoding capability. Many thanks to Chris for releasing the source code and allowing me to do this update. Thanks to Ali Hassan for the artwork and for pointing me in the right direction and to Daddy Freddy for starting the whole yEnc party. ;-)
This is very much a clone of PowerPost 2000 and you can refer to the included PowerPost README.TXT file for how to setup and use the program.
yEnc kódolású üzenetek küldése a hírcsoportokba
Sven Gali
yEncPowerPost vbuild3 - 530 KB
NNTP POWER-POST 2000 is a usenet newsgroup binary file poster. It is primarily oriented towards posting 1 to many files to a small set of binary newsgroups. It is not geared towards sending 1 file to ALL newsgroups (A.K.A. Power Auto-Spamming.)
This is modification of Power-Post which posts yenc attachments
(YENC was created by the MyNews author Juergen Helbing, see for details).
Original Power Post (posts UUE attachments) was written by Chris Morse see
Üzenetek küldése a bináris hírcsoportokba
Alex Garter
YeOldeTimer v1.03 - 24 KB
Small timer application that resides in your systray and allows you to set, well, timers...
Hides in systray
Updates automatically over the internet
Óra, mely automatikusan szinkronizálja magát
Mikael Klasson
YeoPan v1.0.1 - 359 KB
YeoPan is an easy to use encryption and compression tool. You can encrypt and/or compress files quickly without having to deal with clustered, confusing options. YeoPan has a custom GUI to keep confusion at a minimum while providing full functionality and integration to the windows environment.
Features Implemented:
- File compression (Pandora algorithm)
- File encryption (4Yeo algorithm)
- Small header system
- File information procedures
- Windows shell intergration
- Customized menu component
Könnyen használható fájltitkosító, tömörítõ és archíváló program
Sequreware Team
YesUcan v3 - 843 KB
YesUcan is a small linked-list database that stores pieces of text on computer disk and can quickly find those pieces of text through a multiple indexed search and find system. By using the Copy and Paste facilities of Microsoft Windows, users may transfer items from their e-mail into YesUcan with a minimum of typing. YesUcan includes provision for printing individual items, or a list of the entire database contents. As distributed, YesUcan contains some 400 items of Hints and Help copied from the Info-Eq e-mail list. Users of YesUcan may add to these items and delete/edit as they wish.
YesUcan was written specifically for Info-Eq, and contains many items from that mail list, KeepHere is an empty database. Users may keep what ever they wish, and may use KeepMany for up-to six subjects to over a range of interests. WotCooks is designed specifically for recipes. Full details of how to use all the database programs are contained in the program's Help and Information files.
Mintegy 400, számítógéphasználattal foglalkozó témát tartalmazó adatbázis
Soft Expressions
CompYes 2 - 666 KB:
KeepHere - 333 KB:
KeepFive - 351 KB:
What Cooks - 333 KB:
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